Caregivers can include spouses, parents, children, partners, siblings, other family members or friends—anyone who is taking care of another person diagnosed with Alzheimer’s or a related dementia.
According to the National Institute on Aging, taking good care of yourself is one of the most important things you can do as a caregiver. This means doing things you enjoy, taking care of your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health, exercising, eating healthy foods and spending time with your friends.
In order to take care of yourself, it is important to ask friends and family members to help out, joining and attending a caregiver support group, taking breaks each day and seeing your doctor on a regular basis.
Proper self-care can keep you from getting ill or depressed and can relieve stress and anxiety. Take advantage of adult day club resources in our area or a home health care agency.
Need to talk to someone about the challenges of being a caregiver? Please consider joining us at one of our Caregiver Support Groups listed below.
In between Caregiver Support Group meetings or have questions about the groups? Please call Beth Godsey, Certified Dementia Specialist at 903-238-5391.
Interested in starting your own support group? Contact us at 903.230.8001 about becoming an ETAA Certified Support Group.
ETAA Support Groups
(facilitated by ETAA staff, board member or volunteer)
First Tuesday of each month at 6:00pm
Hawkins Creek Assisted Living
311 East Hawkins Pkwy
Longview, TX 75605
Facilitator: Lori Holyfield – 903-746-6763
Last Tuesday of each month at 1PM
NEW meeting location: (Greggton Global Methodist Church is relocating temporarily to Community Connections)
Community Connections
501 Pine Tree Road (parking in the rear on Berkley Street)
Conf Room B
For info, contact Suzanne 903-736-0399.
Facilitator: Dot Horne – 903-387-0136
Last Thursday of each month at 1PM
Mobberly Baptist Church @ The Bridge
(enter the north side @ The Bridge, not the Loop 281 side)
625 E Loop 281
Longview, TX 75605
Facilitator: D’Ahn Fowler 903-819-8159 and/or Cammie Camp 903-746-6631
ETAA Certified Support Groups
(facilitated by Certified ETAA volunteers)
First Thursday of each month at noon
Buckner Westminster Place*
2201 Horseshoe Lane
Longview, TX 75605
*Lunch and respite provided. Please RSVP at 903-234-0000 or contact Chaplain Rick Webb at 903-918-5292, for more information.