Gifts, Memorials and Honorariums

We need you with us. 100% of donations are used locally to further the mission of the East Texas Alzheimer’s Alliance and we promise to be worthy stewards of your gift. We are truly grateful for your contribution.

You are welcome to donate an outright gift, or to honor your family and friends by setting up and donating to your loved ones’ Memorial or Honorarium.

Please contact us at at or 903-230-8001 to discuss additional methods of charitable giving.

Your belief in our mission empowers ETAA to improve the lives of patients and caregivers, right here in East Texas, by offering caregiver support groups and trainings, offering respite care grants, hosting workshops and conferences, and assisting in the navigation of local support and resources.

Your dollars advance our organization’s mission by allowing us to ask new questions, provide better solutions, create fresh approaches, and ultimately, see the best immediate comfort, care and support for Alzheimer’s and related dementias.

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